The quarterly magazine is a point of reference for both writers and scholars or enthusiasts, since it deals in-depth with Writing, always considering the sense of belonging to the crew group and the street as a place of action.
The magazine consists of five sections: Graffiti, as its name suggests, the first section that pushes the writers into the core of the subject: Writing and writers; PDW, the acronym for Parola di Writer (Writer's word), a section dedicated to narrating the experience of a crew told by the voices of all members of the crew; Crew Story, the cover story, it focuses on a crew and explores its route; Frontiera (Border), dedicated to border regions, including articles concerning marginal city areas and the pieces that can be found there; Microcosmo (Microcosm), lastly, is a photo gallery that represents graffiti in their contest.
The magazine consists of five sections: Graffiti, as its name suggests, the first section that pushes the writers into the core of the subject: Writing and writers; PDW, the acronym for Parola di Writer (Writer's word), a section dedicated to narrating the experience of a crew told by the voices of all members of the crew; Crew Story, the cover story, it focuses on a crew and explores its route; Frontiera (Border), dedicated to border regions, including articles concerning marginal city areas and the pieces that can be found there; Microcosmo (Microcosm), lastly, is a photo gallery that represents graffiti in their contest.

Thanks to my advisor Fiorella Bulegato, Francesco Franchi and Davide Mottes who helped me during the research and especially the final project CoMBo. Thanks to Fabiola Naldi and Claudio Musso that shared their knowledges and enthusiasm and that gave me a lot of advices and precious inputs.